Did you ever asked your self "What is Intuition and How Do I Use it?"

By Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed.

"Intuition is an incredible resource and gift that we have been given to help us live our best life. Unfortunately, not many people know what it is or how to use it. The word intuition means "in to you" in Latin. Florence Scovel, a theologian, once said, "Intuition is the spiritual faculty that doesn't explain; it seemingly points the way." It's also been said that intuition is your divine Spirit talking to you. If you will stop for a moment and acknowledge this, you will begin to realize the incredible perspective you have at your fingertips. You have this very amazing power! And you don't even have to get any special training to start using it. All you need to do is raise your awareness about it and set your intention to harness it.

Intuitive messages range from an inkling to a strong sign or message. Your inner self is persistent and consistent. It will keep trying to get your attention until you finally wise up! An inkling is like a glimmer or passing feeling/ thought that comes from somewhere inside and usually proceeds a hunch or intuitive message. A "hunch" is accurate information from a higher intelligence; therefore, you can rely on it. An intuitive message ranges from hearing actual words, seeing a clear picture, or a deep inner knowing. Some people experience intuition as a feeling, others a gut reaction, others will see images or have a dream, others hear an actual message. Become familiar with how your inner self communicates with you. Once you receive the message, check it out with your research and common

The best ways to get in touch with your intuition are:

1.Be quiet Practice taking time out every day to experience silence. Calm your mind with traditional or active meditation. Release your need to think, analyze, and know everything. The best information comes from the deep recesses of your soul.

2.Be open Open to the gift of intuition and accept what is has to tell you. Many times, our ego thinks it has it "all figured out," but your true path may look very different than the one you are on. Being open to new possibilities and ways of living is key.

3.Be creative There are many ways to be creative, painting, writing, dancing, designing a website, etc. Do something that helps you get into the "flow," that place where time seems to fly by and the work is leading you. Creativity is an expression of your soul and goes hand-in-hand with intuitive guidance.

4.Ask questions When you ask yourself questions, you gain additional insight and clarity. When you ask a question like "What is the next step I need to take?" know that you already know what you need to know. Trust yourself. You already have everything you need inside.

5.Journal When you write, you tap into thoughts, feelings, ideas and direction that you are not consciously aware of. Writing allows the truth to come forth and is an easy way to gain insight from your inner self.

You can further develop your intuitive guidance by preparing yourself by gathering the necessary information and experiences to provide more of an opportunity for your intuition to surface. Intuition cannot be forced; you need to allow it. After loading up your mind with information about the issue, give your intuition time to work on it. And then become open to the answer. You will likely experience an "Aha" moment, which is a moment of instant awareness, where the answer sprouts from "out of the blue." If you have an important decision to make and are not 100% sure about something happening, stop and think before making a decision. Usually this is your intuition trying to tell you that something is not quite right. Likewise, if you feel that you should go for it, do it, so you don't miss a valuable opportunity. Intuition is your very own best friend. It is always there for you. It waits patiently for you. It gives the absolute best advice, and all you have to do is ask! Like any good friendship, all it takes to nurture it is a little time and attention. If you decide to be close and intimate with your intuition, I promise that your life will transform into something wonderful."

Intuition and Psychic Energy - Where Do They Come From? By Sonia Choquette, Ph.D.

" Intuition and Psychic Energy: Where Do They Come From? It is easier to train your senses to notice your intuitive impulses if you have an understanding of where those intuitive flashes originate. In every psychic development class I teach, I ask the students where they think psychic or intuitive feelings and impulses begin. Some answer, "from my subconscious mind." Others say, "from my Higher Self." Some believe, "it's dead people talking to you," or "your guides."

If you are going to convince your mind to listen to your intuitive feelings, your mind has to value those feelings. Your mind requires an acceptable reason to value psychic feelings. The best way to convince your mind to pay attention to these feelings is to introduce it to where these feelings come from. After all, there is a big difference between listening to Joe Nobody's opinion on something, and listening to a highly knowledgeable expert. Whom would you listen to?

Ask yourself:

Where do I think my psychic information comes from?

Why should I listen?

Do I think it's trustworthy? Do I think it comes from a helpful and knowledgeable source?

Am I comfortable tuning in to it?

It's important to ask these questions. The good news is, the answers are very specific and enlightening.

Where Does It Come From?
Actually, psychic energy comes from various sources. Our conscious minds have been trained to focus on one broadcast on our sensory radio: the broadcast of our five-physical-sense relay. But there are other relays broadcasting that we can and spontaneously do tune in to now and again which give us our psychic information.

The first of these psychic relays comes from our own subconscious minds. Our subconscious minds are like giant computers taking in thousands of bits of information every day, information that slips past our conscious attention, yet nevertheless is perceived and saved for a future moment. Every detail of every experience that we've had since the beginning of our lives, and in our last lives as well, is stored here and held unless released spontaneously by some necessity. It would be overwhelming for our conscious minds to process every detail of every event, so the mind allows unneeded information to slip unnoticed into this huge storage library. If the subconscious is jogged by need or by visualization or relaxation, the subconscious will release back to the conscious mind necessary and helpful information.

An extreme example of this is the case of an accident or crime witness. The events witnessed may have occurred too quickly or have become clouded over by emotions of surprise or shock, and the details lost. But if this same person were to relax through hypnosis, his or her recollection would become nearly perfect, because the subconscious memory can be accessed.

This also occurs in everyday events. Perhaps you have been mulling over a problem for weeks, coming to no specific solution. Then suddenly, when daydreaming during another task like watering the lawn or taking a long drive, a solution will pop into your head. This relaxed frame of mind is a receptive frame of mind, and in this receptive state, your subconscious can scan its stored information for possible solutions. If it does find one "Eureka!" you'll have a psychic flash.

This type of psychic experience happens most often in your work or in an area that you've spent a great deal of time learning or reading about, or in an area of natural interest. The fact is, you may have acquired bits and pieces of useful knowledge along the way, information that would provide an answer or solution. Your subconscious mind can take in and rearrange these bits and pieces and create new and significant relationships among these bits of understanding. The solution lies in finding new relationships to old information.

All this occurs below your conscious awareness. Can you believe that your subconscious mind not only records your experiences perfectly, but can also combine different records, thus creating solutions that couldn't be found just in examining the pieces? Yet it does, naturally. Through proper training, you can develop far greater access to this stored information than you ever believed possible.

The second type of psychic experience is with telepathic connections to others. How many times in your life have you found yourself humming a tune silently in your head, only to have someone next to you start singing the same tune out loud? How many times have you been thinking about someone and had them call within a short time? How many times have you taken up a new interest like skiing, cooking, or sewing, only to find people with the same newfound interest popping up all around you? Psychic? Yes - telepathic!

We are all silent radio stations broadcasting our own tunes, and even though we are not conscious of it, we do like to harmonize with one another. We gravitate naturally toward people playing "our tune" and together we amplify our broadcast.

One of my spiritual teachers once told me that we are always telepathically tuning in with many, many others - up to six thousand people at any given time - even though it is usually not conscious. It sounds incredible, but this is what creates mass consciousness. Groups of people band together and "group think" about things: pro-lifers, animal rights activists, rebels and fundamentalists, to name a few. People think in blocks all around the world, and these blocks of mental energy float and move in space, influencing political ideas, religious beliefs, and social and moral values.

Telepathic connections can be useful and amusing, as in the case of the telephone call from the old friend you were concentrating on. If you are lazy and undiscerning about your thoughts, however, you can become a psychic garbage pail, in which all sorts of negative or mass beliefs settle and take over your mind. An example of this is the telepathically relayed belief that cities are now extremely dangerous and suburban areas are safer. Many people telepathically accept this belief as fact. In reality, some aspects of city living are dangerous, and some are vitalizing and marvellous. The fact is also that many suburban areas are riddled with dangerous people, and one is not really in any more or less danger in one area versus another. Safety is governed by awareness more than geography. If you are susceptible to negative mass beliefs, you will overcome this problem when you begin your psychic development. You cannot be psychic if you are mentally lazy.

You'll need to snap out of your dreamy state and be here now. If you have a sharp focus to your mind, telepathy will automatically become more specific, filtering away unnecessary and unconsciously unexamined "group thought" to attract only what is helpful to your focus. One way to do this is to set goals so that you will focus your attention and eliminate mass thought influences. Setting goals keeps you free of collective negative emotion and attracts telepathic support.

The Superconscious or Higher Source:
The third and most interesting source of psychic energy is from the superconscious plane of energy. Every one of us has, as our spiritual birthright, access to a Higher Source of knowing and loving guidance.

This Higher Source is actually composed of several distinct levels of spiritual guidance. These types of psychic impulses influence your future and the present choices you make that will set up your future.

This level of psychic guidance influences your perspective and helps you look at your choices from a new point of view. These kinds of communications are felt as warnings, urgings, new ideas, inspirations, breakthroughs in understanding, desires to redirect your life, a need to stop or let go of what you are doing, or a need to commit or go forward with what you are hesitant about.

Remember, these types of psychic experiences are loving but not flattering to your ego; stable, consistent, and unwavering but not coercive; subtle but distinct. They will always leave you feeling reassured, relaxed, and certain of yourself, in spite of appearances, if you listen and pay attention. Additionally, these types of psychic feelings help you with questions in love and relationships, health and well-being, and creativity and purpose in life, and above all will help you find inner security and spiritual peace of mind.

Let's face facts. Your conscious mind will be more amenable to listening to these impulses if it is given a reason to listen. After all, your conscious mind would like to consider itself reasonable. If it accepts and understands the reasonability of listening to your intuition, it will do so far more easily. You would not ignore the advice of an expert if you were building a house, would you? Especially if the advice were free? And painless?

It is just as foolish to ignore the assistance of your psychic guidance as you build your life, especially knowing that your psychic sense is offering you a solution from your subconscious mind, from a telepathic relay, or from the loving guidance of your superconscious. The psychic experience comprises all these sources of assistance.

What Does It Involve? Essentially what psychic development involves is becoming keenly aware of what is going on around and inside you, here and now. By tuning in to your little psychic impulses, you will notice what you heretofore may have ignored. Once you make this realization, you can begin your development.

Have you ever had a hearing test? If so, do you recall (when wearing the headphones) that all your senses perked up to hear the barely audible beep that sounded for but a split second? Or an eye test, where you wore a patch first over one eye, then over the other, while scanning a screen for a teeny blip of light moving over the area? These exams are designed to test your ear and eye sense acuity. The more acute, the more subtle the beep or flash you noticed.

Psychic development requires the same acuity. Relax and enjoy, notice impulses you otherwise overlooked. Don't worry that you are imagining things. You aren't. You are just redefining your sphere of awareness and allowing it more room to play.

Once you understand where your intuition and psychic feelings come from, you need to learn how to gain freer and easier access to these channels of the subconscious, telepathic, and superconscious broadcasts, so that they are available when you need them.




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