THE 72 NAMES (Angels) OF GOD


This angel is from the order of the Archangels
Here is the information about this God name


62. Deus Ens supremum (God the highest being);

יֹהֵהֵ ( Yod Hey Hey ) -  YoHeHe 

רְאֵה, כִּי-פִקּוּדֶיךָ אָהָבְתִּי; יְהוָה, כְּחַסְדְּךָ חַיֵּנִי. - תהילים פרק קיט : קנט

Psalms 119:159

the 159th verse of Psalm 119:  Consider hoe I love thy precepts: quicken me, O Lord, according to thy lovingkindness 

(Vide quoniam mandata tua dilexi Domine, in misericordia tua vivifica me).

 יֹהֵהֵאֵל YoHeHe-EL Iah-hel - For the acquisition of wisdom. Governs philosophers, illuminati. Loves tranquility and solitude, modest, virtuous.

Influence time and dates 20:21- 20:40 25th January until the 29th January inclusively

IAHHEL.  His attribute is  Supreme Being .  He corresponds to the name of  Suna  following the language of the ancient Carmanians.  His ray commences from the

306th degree up to the 310th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirty first decade and to the angel called Oroasoer.  He rules over the following days: 20th

 May, 31st July, 11th October, 22nd December, 4th March.  The invocation is done from 8:20pm till 8:40pm;

He serves to acquire wisdom.  This angel rules philosophers, enlightened ones and all those who wish to retire from the world.  The person born under this influence will love tranquility and solitude; he will precisely fulfill the duties of his state and will be distinguished by his modesty and virtues.


Meditate on this name for bring desire to lovingly, respectfully, and selflessly share this wisdom with children. The preacher in you will silenced. The teacher in you will shines through in all your actions.


The negative side of this angel rules over those who commit scandals; he rules over luxury, inconstancy and divorce; he provokes disunion between spouses.

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